
Saint Vincent Seminary provides programs for permanent diaconate candidates and offers degree programs to qualified men and women seeking a theological education. Students from a diocese or religious order wishing to apply for the priesthood ordination program should view the admission checklist for that program and fill out that application, either online or via the pdf file. Institute for Ministry formation applicants should view that particular application checklist and fill out the IMF application, either online or via the pdf file. All other students should view the non-ordination programs checklist and fill out the non-ordination programs application, either online or via the PDF file.

Tuition and Fees

Ordination Admission Checklist

Ordination Student Application

Non-Ordination Programs Checklist

Non-Ordination Programs Application

Health Form

IMF Applications

If you are a student interested in applying to study with the Saint Vincent Seminary Institute for Ministry Formation, the following links may be helpful.

Supporting Future Priests