The Seminary returned to in person learning with the start of the fall 2021 semester. Aside from new students, the start of the semester featured a new dining hall, DiPadova Hall, completed just in time for orientation. Dr. George Weigel, author, political analyst and social activist, returned to campus to give the Pope Benedict XVI lecture. A recap of Bishop Edward Malesic’s commencement address, news of the graduates, spring and summer ordinations, and the annual Priest Day Mass were also featured in words and photos. Father Jude Brady was named director of pastoral formation. Kelly Shrum was named coordinator of assessment. Other faculty and alumni news is given. Dr. Larry Sutton has begun a blog and his book on autism received an award. Dr. Carl Vater and Jessica Jones joined the adjunct faculty. News of formation day speakers, the Red Mass, online retreats, and spiritual direction conferences was presented, along with a list of online courses for the spring 2022 semester. As pandemic restrictions eased, the annual group photo was taken. Two alumni had artwork selected for the National Catholic Arts Biennial and classmates from 1965 returned for an annual reunion.
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