Degrees and Programs

Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) (MACPS)

The two-year Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) degree program was accredited in 2015. This academic degree, together with the formation program which the students also partake of, fulfills all the requirements of the Pre-Theology formation program required for entrance into the M.Div. program. This degree program has as its purpose to offer an opportunity for advanced graduate study of philosophy emphasizing both the historical and major topical areas of philosophical inquiry, with attention to how these inform and are informed by the Catholic intellectual tradition. The graduates will engage in a two-fold concluding exercise: the writing of an integrative paper which will qualify them to then take oral comprehensive exams, both of which will measure student achievement of the degree program outcomes. The first class of graduates from the MACPS program was in 2018. The following data represents matriculation information only. Students who might begin in this degree program and then subsequently decide to withdraw from the degree program may still be eligible to partake of the Pre-Theology Non-Degree program in the Seminary.

The Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) Degree Goals are:

  1. To obtain the intellectual formation necessary for further theological education;
  2. To develop a sound philosophical foundation and a reflective awareness of the fundamental relationship between faith and reason (fides quaerens intellectum) in the Catholic tradition;
  3. To develop good intellectual “habitus” (habits) as well as content – to learn the good habits of speculation and reflection and to apply them to revelation, life, and the human condition.

The Master of Arts: Catholic Philosophical Studies degree is a two-year, 63 credit, academic degree program which responds to the requirements of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education. Because of our affiliation with the Pontifical University of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome for the ecclesiastical S.T.B. degree, Saint Vincent Seminary must put these requirements in place for those applying for the S.T.B. degree to remain accredited for the S.T.B. degree.

This S.T.B. degree program will afford all students the schedule of classes mandated and approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education. The Philosophical Formation Program, together with the MA: Catholic Philosophical Studies degree program, seeks to deepen the seminarian’s understanding of philosophy and the role of philosophical inquiry within the Catholic intellectual tradition. This rigorous two-year course of study prepares students well for theological studies in the seminary. Though it is primarily designed for pre-theologians, this degree may also be pursued by lay people who are interested in advanced philosophical education.

This option is for anyone who wishes (or whose bishop or vocation director wishes them) to obtain an academic Master’s degree for their philosophical studies. It is open to pre-theologians as well as lay people.

Learning Outcomes for the Master of Arts: Catholic Philosophical Studies

  1. To obtain the intellectual formation necessary for further theological education;
  2. To develop a sound philosophical foundation and a reflective awareness of the fundamental relationship between faith and reason (fides quaerens intellectum) in the Catholic tradition;
  3. To develop good intellectual “habitus” (habits)—to learn the good habits of speculation and reflection and to apply them to revelation, life, and the human condition.

Degree Requirements

  1. Completion of the 63 Credits required for the degree:
    – 30 in Philosophy;
    – 15 in Catholic Theology and Scripture (TH—including TH 600: Introduction to
    Philosophy, and SC600 Introduction to Sacred Scripture),
    – 12 in Language Studies (6 in Latin, 6 in a modern language other than one’s own),
    – 6 in Auxiliary Studies (3 in Research Methodology, and 3 in an M.A. Proficiency
  2. A cumulative G.P.A. of 2.5 or above
  3. A passing grade on an oral comprehensive exam in the M.A. Proficiency Seminar (“C” = 78.5% or above)(= 60% of final grade for AS 900).

The Cycle of Courses in the Master of Arts: Catholic Philosophical Studies

Year I

Fall Semester

SPL 501: Ancient Philosophy 3
SPL 521: Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge 3
TH 600: Introduction to Philosophy 3
TH 620: Basics of Catholic Faith and Culture 3
TH 704: Latin I 3
Total: 15 credits

Spring Semester

SPL 502: Medieval Philosophy 3
SPL 515: Ethics and Moral Philosophy 3
TH 621: Introduction to Catholic Morality 3
TH 700: Research Methodology 3
TH 804: Latin II 3
Total: 15 credits

Year II

Fall Semester

**** Modern Language (1st semester)† 3
SPL 503: Modern Philosophy 3
SPL 510: Philosophy of Man (Anthropology) 3
SPL 580: Thomas Aquinas on Natural and Political Philosophy 3
TH 622: Introduction to Spirituality 3

Total: 15 credits

Spring Semester

**** Modern Language (2nd semester)† 3
AS 900: MA Proficiency Seminar* (MACPS students ONLY) 3
SC 600: Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture 3
SPL 504: Contemporary Philosophy 3
SPL 530: Metaphysics 3
SPL 540: Influence of Philosophy on Theology 3

Total: 18 credits
Total Credits: 63 Credits

TH—Theology; SPL—Seminary Philosophy; AS—Auxiliary Studies

† Each student must study a modern language other that one’s native language for two semesters. If Spanish is not one’s native language, and if he has not yet studied another modern language, it is strongly advised that Spanish be the choice for this modern language. If one’s ordinary is considering advanced studies for the student in Europe, then Italian, French, or German would be an acceptable alternative. Except for the Spanish courses taught in the Seminary, language courses are to be taken in the College Language Department.
* The M.A. Proficiency Seminar serves to synthesize and test the M.A. candidate’s philosophical learning. This course will be preparation for and taking of the oral comprehensive exam, which will be scheduled for the last two weeks of the semester and which will focus upon the integration of philosophy with theology.
Students registering for the M.A.: Catholic Philosophical Studies must be certain to register for the specific courses (Course numbers) listed in the above cycle of courses.

All Degrees and Programs

Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) (MACPS)

The two-year Master of Arts (Catholic Philosophical Studies) degree program was accredited in 2015. This academic degree, together with the formation program which the students also partake of, fulfills all the requirements of the Pre-Theology formation program required for entrance into the M.Div. program.

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Master of Arts in Ecclesial Ministry

The Master of Arts in Ecclesial Ministry degree program (MAEM) is a professional degree open to candidates for the permanent diaconate and lay students. This is a three-year program. The curriculum consists of three major areas: Systematic Theology, Sacred Scripture, and Pastoral Studies.

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