Saint Vincent Seminary Authorized to Grant S.T.B. Degree

LATROBE, PENNSYLVANIA – Saint Vincent Seminary recently received word that it has been authorized to grant the Bachelor in Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) degree, in affiliation with the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. The Seminary becomes only one of about ten seminaries in the United States which can grant the degree. The approval comes from the Congregation for Catholic Education at the Vatican, which authorized the affiliation with the Dominican House.

“Saint Vincent Seminary received very high commendations from the bishops who send students here,” said Very Rev. Thomas P. Acklin, O.S.B., Seminary Rector, who received the news during a recent visit to Rome. He explained that the credentials of the Seminary faculty and course offerings are studied during the Congregation for Education’s review of the petition, in addition to inquiries made of bishops who send students to the Seminary.

Although the degree is a “Bachelor in Sacred Theology,” this is not to be confused with the undergraduate bachelor’s degrees offered at colleges and universities, Father Thomas explained. “The S.T.B. will prepare students for ordination to the priesthood as well as for further study in pontifical universities.”

The degree, according to Father Thomas, is recognized internationally and therefore enables students to enter graduate programs in pontifical universities in Europe and throughout the world.
